One Transistor Pump Building Block

This is a one transistor pump circuit. This is a very simple circuit and very helpful, you can use it as a building block for designing more complex electronic circuit. This circuit generates voltage staircase from a square wave input. Here is the circuit: The V1 is determined by following equation: V1 = Vo – Vbe(sat) If the input voltage […]

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1.5V Micropower CMOS Voltage Regulator

The LP3992 is Micropower CMOS Voltage Regulator with input range of 1.9 to 5.2V and can produce 1.5V output. This regulator suits for application that need an accurate output voltage with power from battery, low quiescent current, low noise and portable. The accurateness  of this regulator is 1.5 ± 0.009V and this device has output current of 30mA. The LP3992 […]

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Philip’s Dynamic Noise Limiter

When there is quiet passages, a tape noise becomes disturb. This noise can be reduces using Philips’ Dynamic Noise Limiter circuit. The principle operation of this circuit is improve the signal-to-noise ratio during the quite periods by decreasing the gain for the higher frequencies. However, on the higher frequency components of the signal, the effect is not significant because the […]

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