Linear Detector for AM Demodulation

We can simply a rectifier using a linear detector. It’s not only have no gain, but also no distortion. An example from two op-amps is the easy one as shown in the following circuit diagram. The second op-amp is a precision half-wave rectifier (the second diode is to “catch” the op-amp on the other half-cycle and prevent it from saturating). […]

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Ratio Detector for FM Demodulation

This view is not far from wrong because the operation of FM detectors is widely regarded as mysterious. The ratio detector to find out how it works, without going deeply into the theory at this point, or studying other forms of FM detector that are also used, and somewhat similar are covered here. To give an output voltage that is […]

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Current Mmode 20MHz Noninverting Amplifier

Current mode amplifier has the benefit of higher frequency operation, and LM359 comes as operational amplifier with this type op amplifier. Current mode (Norton) amplifier can be used in video, RF, of high speed communication design. You can apply this current mode noninverting amplifier in wide variety of applications, make sure this circuit performance (shown as the frequency response curve) […]

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LM359 Video Amplifier

Every electronic device that boost electrical signal can be called  an amplifier. The various amplifier types only differ in some specific features such as: bandwidth, input range, input-output impedance, or gain. Video amplifier is used to amplify the intensity information of a video signal, a signal that is used to control the grid of a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) to […]

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